"NETIS SYSTEMS" company, founded in 2000, is part of "Netcore Group" company. Its headquarters is located in Shenzhen, China. By providing advanced technology, high-quality products and customer-satisfying service, "NETIS SYSTEMS" has become one of the world's leading providers of network products and data solutions. The company's reputation as a reliable manufacturer is constantly being strengthened all over the world. იხილეთ მეტი


The product line of "NETIS SYSTEMS" company includes wireless routers, wireless adapters, switches, DSL routers, network adapters, wireless and wired PC boards, also the company develops products related to data storage and protection, multimedia and other technologies.


The company invests more than 8% of sales revenue in research and development. The company provides significant software and hardware technology support to more than 300 engineers. The team of "NETIS SYSTEMS" company produces products with the use of various technologies, designed for the optimal and comfortable use of products by the end user.


The factory area of "NETIS SYSTEMS" company is 20,000 square meters. The factory is located in Shenzhen, China. Using advanced automated technology of SMT, DIP, assembly and packaging equipment, "NETIS SYSTEMS" produces 10 million units of CE and FCC compliant products every month. From the SNMP network adapter to switches, from wireless adapters to dual-band routers. Each of the products of "NETIS SYSTEMS" company is produced in strict compliance with the ISO 9001:2000 standard.


"NETIS SYSTEMS" company has established more than 30 branches throughout China and is developing international offices to provide fast and comprehensive services to customers in North America, Europe, India, Taiwan and Korea.


Trusting the quality of "NETIS SYSTEMS" company’s products and its services, more and more customers around the world join the team of partners. Since 2008, the "NETIS SYSTEMS" company has maintained a steady annual sales growth of 30%.

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დახმარება Netis